soulful success

1 Month 1:1 transformation package.

Transforming money blocks & trauma


Have you ever wondered why money just slips from your hands, you cant seem to save, or your business just isn’t making what you would like?

There may be blocked energy, family limiting beliefs about money/success, money trauma or a past life karmic imprint/block that is sabotaging you!

This is your chance to align your energy field to wealth + soul purpose - enabling and empowering you to attract the highest potency energy for wealth in alignment with your spiritual path.

Money magnetism anyone?

Why spend your time stressed about money when you could be sipping on a latte and feeling super relaxed and abundant?

This powerful energy alchemy journey harmonises your energy in the Quantum Field to:

  • Create abundance and financial flow through soul alignment

  • Become empowered and attract more wealth and success by identifying and clearing unconscious beliefs & blocked energy,

  • Heal money trauma blocking your abundance in life or business

  • Heal the deep wounds of past and current life trauma around money (hello childhood experiences around money!)

  • Harmonise and balance your abundance frequency to your karma, in this and past lives - kick that old energy to the curb!

  • Activate the frequency of wealth in perfect synergy within your Chakras, Auras and Meridians.

The details:

  • Worldwide offer, exact start date to be negotiated.

  • Private 1:1 program (via zoom or in person)

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 x 1:1 1hr appointment (in person or via zoom) to heal specific money wounds and align your intentions and your energy for optimal success in biz or life.

  • Day to day support: The most powerful aspect of this container! Using Whatsapp, participants are able to contact me Mon-Fri 9-5 daily (except Wednesdays). We have regular contact (as determined by you), as this container is tailored to fit perfectly to you and what your unique needs are. The Whatsapp chat will be an open portal for regular psychic energy check ins/assessments to see next step needed, regular distance energy readings and healings; guidance and support to clear the money and abundance blocks and trauma.

  • Weekly Oracle card readings with energy alignment to activate and embody the highest abundacne frequencies - to set you up for your week ahead.

  • Personalised Hypnotherapy abundance activation

  • Resources and energy tools for continued healing/support well beyond the 4 week program, so you can feel empowered to support your ongoing growth and abundance.


Payment plan option 1:

Deposit: $300 (paid with registration)

4 x weekly payments of $500

Total: $2300


Payment plan option 2:

Pay $2100 in full and save $200.